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Spring comes, flowers bloom and out comes my macro lens. I love it. A new burst of inspiration. Using a macro helps you naturally work with composition. You already have the subject so you are narrowing your topic, looking for an interesting photograph. Now the subject might become the stamen of the flower, a tiny bug on a peddle, water droplets on a leaf refracting peddle colors. Backgrounds become ways to make your subject stand out. Watch for distracting shapes, colors and lines. Slight adjustments left, right, up or down can fix a situation.
Close up work requires you to pay attention to your lighting. It teaches you to really look at how and where light falls. Move around the area you are shooting. You can change light effects within a few feet of each shot. Get low. Look for the front light, back light and spot light on one detail.
If only the blog had a 'scratch 'n sniff' because this lilac is so fragrant!
Bees are incredibly hard to get because they move around so fast. This guy was a little slower but you still can get that close.
If you look closely at the bugs back you can see my reflection.
This is a Vermont flower. All of these were taken with a macro lens.
I was playing with this, not looking thru the camera, just moving the camera in and out hoping for some kind of focus and working with backlighting. The composition isn't great but I kind of liked the effect and I just wanted to show you, you can just play around. That's the beauty of digitial but I think you know that when I see lots of self portraits going on :)
Happy Snapping.
Get those pictures in.
Mrs. Blakeley